SEMINAR RECAP | Newsletter Vol 7, Issue 1
Kinney & Lange held its annual Seminar on June 13, 2014 in Minneapolis, entitled “Intellectual Property: Advanced Topics for Businesses in a Changing Legal Landscape”. The Seminar covered a wide range of topics, including various intellectual property law developments at the U.S. Supreme Court, a contemporary discussion of patent trolls, and a guest panel discussion on the topics of post grant proceedings in the U.S. and opposition proceedings in Europe. A special thank you to our in-house counsel panel, pictured above from left to right, Carolyn Eckart, IP Counsel at St. Jude Medical; Andrew DeMaster, IP Counsel at The Valspar Corporation; and Alana Bergman, Associate General Counsel of IP at Covidien. We also thank Kendra Hogan and Richelle Martin from the University of Wisconsin, who spoke on “Industry-Sponsored Research and Intellectual Property in the University Setting,” and Jason Campbell who spoke on IP landscaping and business strategy.
■ Edited by attorney Austen Zuege. This newsletter contains material that may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. ©2014 Kinney & Lange, P.A.