The following books written by attorneys at Kinney & Lange are available from leading legal publishers.
Patent Freedom to Operate Searches, Opinions, Techniques, and Studies
(540+ pages, softbound)
Designed to build the necessary competencies, techniques, and best practices for anyone involved with patent searching and risk management, this guide addresses all relevant topics, from conducting freedom-to-operate studies and analyzing the results to developing appropriate risk management strategies.
Intellectual Property Law for Business Lawyers
(850+ pages, softbound)
Written for business lawyers who do not specialize in intellectual property law, but also useful as a general reference for IP specialists, this book provides an overview of IP law to help lawyers identify IP issues. It includes chapters on patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets, examining both procurement and enforcement of IP rights. Updated annually.
Federal Intellectual Property Laws & Regulations
(1,500+ pages, softbound)
Compiled for the IP specialist, this handy desk reference includes all the statutes and regulations that an IP practitioner needs, including patent, trademark and copyright statutes and regulations, international treaties, customs regulations and uniform state statutes. Updated annually.