Kinney & Lange Attorneys Recognized by Super Lawyers in 2016

Kinney & Lange congratulates its 2016 Super Lawyer David R. Fairbairn and Rising Star Austen Zuege. Super Lawyers surveyed Minnesota attorneys regarding those members of the Minnesota State Bar whom they considered to be Super Lawyers. The Super Lawyers Selection Committee evaluated the nominations received and made the final selections. No more than five percent of the total lawyers in the state are selected as a Super Lawyer and no more than 2.5 percent are selected as a Rising Star. This is Dave’s fourteenth consecutive year of being named a Super Lawyer and Austen’s fourth consecutive year on the list of Rising Stars.

Kinney & Lange Attorneys Recognized by Super Lawyers in 2015

Kinney & Lange congratulates its 2015 Super Lawyer David R. Fairbairn and Rising Star Austen Zuege. Super Lawyers surveyed Minnesota attorneys regarding those members of the Minnesota State Bar whom they considered to be Super Lawyers. The Super Lawyers Selection Committee evaluated the nominations received and made the final selections. No more than five percent of the total lawyers in the state are selected as a Super Lawyer. This is Dave’s thirteenth consecutive year of being named a Super Lawyer and Austen’s third consecutive year on the list of Rising Stars.

K&L Associates Support Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid

Kinney & Lange is proud to announce over 90% participation in the Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid “One Hour of Sharing Associates’ Campaign for The Fund for Legal Aid.” The campaign encourages members of the legal community to make a donation equal to one billable hour. Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid is an organization that provides free legal services to people with low income and seniors in our twenty-county service area and people with disabilities statewide.

Patented Meat Cutting Process Garners Investment from Shark Tank

Former professional football player Al ‘Bubba’ Baker brought his patented method for making deboned baby back ribs to ABC’s Shark Tank television show, where he caught the interest of investors who had never before seen a method patent for preparing meat. The patent for cutting and forming boneless pork loin to mimic a slab of pork rib meat was prosecuted by Kinney & Lange and issued in 2006 (U.S. Patent 7,022,007). Since the episode aired in December 2013, Baker has entered into a partnership with a major meat processor in Missouri. In April 2014, Baker returned to the show to be recognized as one of the best investment decisions made. Bubba’s ‘world famous’ boneless ribs can be found at

Kinney & Lange Recognized as a “Go-To IP Provider”

BTI recognized Kinney & Lange in the categories of “Go-To IP Provider,” “Best at Routine Patent Work,” and “Most-Favored IP Boutiques” in its annual study of the IP and IP litigation market. BTI’s analysis focused on client spending, goals, priorities, and needs, and interviews of over 175 General Counsel and IP decision makers at top-spending organizations to collect direct feedback on over 200 law firms.